No description. Just make up your own minds what it's about.
Published on October 26, 2010 By ArturoThomas In Writing

He took in a deep breath and looked at the blue bar at the top of his computer screen: “Document1”it read simply enough. And below it, an expanse of empty white screen. The cursor sat in the upper left hand corner beating, no doubt, to the time of some internal software programmed clock-heart beat that he in a thousand years wouldn’t begin to (or really wanted to, if he were to be honest) understand.

The cursor beat, taunting, even begging him it seemed: just write something down today it plead to him in some odd telepathic way. Fill the screen because nature abhors a vacuum. But…fill it with what exactly, he wondered? Because sometimes wringing words from out of the thin blue was just a down right impossibility for him.

 But… somehow, someway, and with a lot of faith and a little luck he did the down right impossible and pulled words from out of the thin blue and wrote something down for the empty white screen anyway -like always, in fact (those times he really wanted to, if he were to be honest).  

on Oct 27, 2010

I feel your pain Arturo. Yo u made something out of nothing. Aint that cool?

on Oct 30, 2010

I feel your pain Arturo. Yo u made something out of nothing. Aint that cool?

You must be blessed/cursed with the desire to write too to understand. Thanks!

on Nov 01, 2010

Your writer's voice has a familiar cadence, similar to another writer I know who used to frequent JU.

on Nov 02, 2010

Your writer's voice has a familiar cadence, similar to another writer I know who used to frequent JU.

Thank you for your comments! I hope you find my "cool little reads" (as someone close to me likes to call them) a pleasant diversion. I hope too the comparison you make with someone before me is a compliment!

on Nov 03, 2010

I hope too the comparison you make with someone before me is a compliment!

It is .