No description. Just make up your own minds what it's about.
Published on November 16, 2010 By ArturoThomas In Writing

After this operation completes, the tool will provide you with a report of the malicious software that was detected.

“Now wouldn’t that be just too cool for school,” he said out loud to his laptop as he watched the tool on his screen in action speeding through the files of his computer at a dizzying pace. But what he really meant by that was -what he was really thinking was- what if there was a way to run such a program like this on himself.

Yes! Exactly!

Be too cool for school to read that particular report after it ran its course and detected all the malicious programs of dysfunctional, self-centered, unaware living. Would the report tell him things like, hmmm, that’s a good question. What would it report exactly? How many times he sat in haughty judgment of other fellow human beings? How many times he looked the other way in life when he could have maybe helped? How many times he chose the easy way over the right way? How many times did he crouch in the Dark when he could have perhaps walked upright in the Light? He wondered because a report like that for him would probably be awfully close to endless.

He watched the tool on his screen in action speeding through the files on his laptop at a dizzying pace and imagined the start time of his own internal Malicious Software Removal Tool of October 10, 1960 with a time elapsed (so far, anyway) of fifty years and thirty some odd days and counting with God knows how many hundreds of millions of files checked. And he couldn’t help but wonder a little: at the end of the day when this operation completes if maybe there really will be a report generated like that (of sorts) somehow somewhere and maybe it really will advise the malicious software detected? Food for thought he considered, because if it did, then…wow! It really would be something that would be just too cool for school indeed.

on Nov 16, 2010

Brilliant idea...I'm not so sure I could handle the report though.


on Nov 20, 2010

I'm not so sure I could handle the report though.

Sure you could! And thanks again for reading!

on Nov 22, 2010

I agree with Kelly.  There is one (kind of) now.  Every time I donate blood. I get a mini-physical.  So far it has alerted me to a benign polyp and hypertension.  Both taken care of.

of course that funny little pain in my side.........